Yu-Hua Chen
Given name: Yu-Hua
Surname: Chen
Country of nationality: Taiwan
Country of residence: Taiwan
Mailing address: 1, Sec. 4, RooseveltRd., Taipei, 10617, Taiwan
Email address: yuhuac@ntu.edu.tw
Telephone (Home): +886-2-33664417
Telephone (Office): +886-911-689758
Highest degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2000
Institution: Pennsylvania State University, USA
Discipline: Demography & Rural Sociology
Current employment/position: Associate Professor / Department of Bio-industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University
Previous employment:
1. Chief of Population Studies, Center for Population and Gender Studies, National Taiwan University, 2016-present
2. Guest Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany. September 2011-August 2012
3. Joukowsky Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology and East Asian Studies, Brown University, USA.July 2000-June 2002
Other honorary or professional positions:
1. Member of National Advisory Committee for Taiwan 2020 Population and Housing Census
2. Editorial Advisory Board, Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research (Emerald Group Publishing), 2014-present
3. 1999 Jessie Bernard Award for Outstanding Research Proposal from a Feminist Perspective, National Council on Family Relations, USA
1. Chen, Yu-Hua, and Chin-fen Chang (2017). The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes in Taiwan. Japanese Journal of Family Sociology 29(2): 189-199.
2. Chen, Yu-Hua, and Hsinmu Chen (2014). Continuity and Changes in the Timing and Formation of First Marriage among Post-War Birth Cohorts in Taiwan. Journal of Family Issues 35(12): 1584-1604.
3. Yi, Chin-Chun, and Yu-Hua Chen (2014). The Intergenerational Transmission of the Value of Children in Contemporary Chinese Families: Taiwan and Mainland China Compared. Comparative Population Studies 39(4): 679-706.
4. Chen, Yu-Hua, and Chin-Chun Yi. (2013). “The Perception of Social Distance in a Multiethnic Society: The Case of Taiwan.” Pp. 170-196 in Eric Fong, Lan-Hung Nora Jiang, and Nancy Denton (eds.), Immigrant Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic Societies. New York: Routledge.
5. Chen, Yu-Hua (2012). Trends in Low Fertility and Policy Responses in Taiwan. The Japanese Journal of Population 10(1): 78-88.
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