The Call for papers contains 14 general themes. The 14 themes are:
- Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics
- Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data
- Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights
- Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology and Causes of Death
- Population Mobility (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization
- Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship
- Demographic Theory and Methods (including demographic training)
- Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition and Population Ageing
- Population and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)
- Population and Economy: Demographic Dividend, Labor Market and Population Policies
- Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language
- Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)
- Indonesia special sessions (Topics relevant to Indonesia)