About the Conference
We are pleased to welcome you to the 5th Asian Population Association Conference. The conference will be held virtually on 3-5 August 2021, co-hosted by APA, BKKBN, and CPPS-UGM. The conference will bring together scholars, researchers, policymakers, and government officials to discuss Asian population issues.
The virtual conference will include live sessions, pre-recorded video sessions, and poster sessions. We will have an inclusive programme with close to 200 live presentations and talks and a large number of pre-recorded talks and posters. The video sessions and posters will be hosted online and will be available for at least six months after the conference.
Certificates will be issued for moderators, presenters, and attendees (non-presenters) of the conference.
The technical details on the live sessions, format of the video presentations, and posters will be posted on the APA website and communicated to all presenters.
The language of the 2021 Conference will be English.
International Organising Committee (IOC)
IOC Chair: Aris Ananta: APA President
IOC Vice chair: Premchand Dommaruja: APA Vice President
IOC Members: Doo-Sub Kim: Immediate Past President of APA
Nimfa Ogena: APA Secretary-General
Duanpen Theerawanviwat: APA Treasurer
Hiroshi Kojima: APA Council Member
James KS: APA Council Member
Jean Yeung: APA Council Member
Leiwen Jiang: APA Council Member
Yu Zhu: APA Council Member
Aree Jampaklay: APA Executive Secretary
National Organising Committee (NOC)
National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN)
Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS), Universitas Gadjah Mada